At a time when you are doing with far less, when your bank accounts and 401k accounts have been cleaned out of your retirement and at a time that Topeka and Washington DC are leaving no stone unturned in search of more of your taxes dollars, it was just reported by the Flinthills Center for Public Policy http://www.flinthills.org/ the the public schools in Kansas have amassed about 1.3 billion dollars in their saving accounts.
At the same time Kansas public schools are demanding more of your tax dollars at a time when every single individual in our state are struggling just to stay afloat. We know that all of that tax money being demanded by the schools is "for the kids" but at the same time Kansans are simply trying to keep their jobs and food on the table for their kids as well. So why when everybody else in the state is broke is the schools awash in your tax dollars that they are not spending, yet demanding more. I will leave it up the the Flinthills Center for Public policy http://www.flinthills.org/ to articulate to you what is going on. Please go to their link to get all the details and please bookmark this organizations website so that you can be better informed about your state government. I hope that you will also take the time to read through my blog and leave your thoughts behind. Get involved because I can assure you that at the rate our government is taking away other individual liberties, it will only be a matter of time before they get yours.
I want to give you a few other sites to visit that are working hard to provide you honest reporting on our state and our nation. Join the fight to protect the fundamental successes of our state and nation. Freedom, liberty and free market idea's.
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