While at work today, I walked into an interesting discussion. Not a discussion that surprised me but one that had a few others scratching their head and a look on their face like what the hell!
The individuals having the discussion were much like myself, middle class Kansans trying to live the dream. But today there was a realization. The were all preparing to make their payment to the IRS for their back taxes. Middle Class Americans not paying enough taxes by the end of the year so playing a little catch up so to speak. Interestingly these individuals are very hard working individuals who also work an additional job for extra spending money. But in the end they simply paid even more taxes on pay day but also paid more of those back taxes. In the end they realize that hard work is losing it's value. Why bother working so hard when you are simply giving your fruit to the government to redistribute to others.
So think about this and consider something. The next time you hear a politician or anyone else tell you that taxes on the middle class will not go up, please have the common sense and guts to speak up and defend yourself against these insult on your intelligence.
I really think there are many middle class Americans who were caught hook line and sinker in the last last campaign and election. They thought they would have no worries because the government was going to save them. They would pay our mortgages and our utilities, they would pay for our health care. The government would save the car industry. There would be no war and the rest of the world would love us again. But most importantly they said they would not raise taxes on the middle class. Well the campaign is over now and I am not impressed. I'm not a socialist.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Pressure From All Directions

I have learned something since paying closer attention to politics. What I have learned is that I pay far more attention to what is going on in Washington DC than our State Capital in Topeka, Kansas.
Look at it like this. The decisions being made in Washington DC are very much the same as the discussions going on in Topeka. So if by chance you are reading this from another state, simply replace Topeka with your own capital city. The issues are no different. So give this some thought. In Washington DC our nation as a whole is at least $1.65 trillion dollars in the red for this year. We have a $1.65 trillion dollar deficit for God sake. For some this number doesn't even register in their Pea Brain's. But for those of us with an old fashion thing called common sense knows this annual deficit is corrupt. No reasonable man or woman who is elected to represent you or me in government would turn a blind eye to this debt. Yet that is exactly what is going on in both Topeka an Washington DC. It is so serious that I think our representatives have to be out of touch. They represent special interest groups and these groups don't include the middle class. To correct this problem will be very difficult. Image you paying off $50 thousand dollars in credit card bills and what you have to give up in the process. Are you willing to give up anything to get our government under control?
On a smaller scale but just as frightening is the deficit of the the state of Kansas. Our deficit is $400 million dollars. This has to be balanced by the end of June 2010. That is the end of our budget year for the state. So here we are just three months until the end of the budget year and our representatives for the first time in a long time, are afraid to raise your taxes to balance the $400 million dollar deficit. For once Topeka is afraid to raise your taxes because they know that the average Kansan simply cant afford to pay another damn dime in taxes. But if they move forward and raise taxes to eliminate the $400 million dollar deficit I for one will not be a happy camper. Where is the common sense here. I want my representative to know that l cannot afford to fund our government at these levels and still make ends meet on the home front.
I want to ask you to please be a part of the debate in both Kansas and Washington DC. You can use this link I have included to navigate the Kansas Sate website. It is very easy to find your state representative and senator. I hope you will call them or email them and demand common sense in reducing our dependence government and it's influence in our lives. If the middle class continues to cling to the bosom of the state and federal government for a sense of security it will only be a matter of time before there will not be a middle class. Ihttp://www.kansas.gov/index.php
I have also included the website for our federal government which will help you locate our federal representative in Washington DC. The message to all should be the same. http://www.usa.gov/
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