- Property tax, for property owners this is a big one paid out to several government agencies. My property tax is $2950.00 a year.
- Sales tax in Lawrence Kansas is 7.30%. Taxpayer pays $7.30 for every $100.00 you spend.
- State Income Tax. It's on your check stub. Collected by the state on every dollar you make. Some pay less and some pay more. But those making $33,000.00 or more in the state of Kansas paying pay about $1450.00 up front and then 6.45% on every dollar over $33,000.00 Remember how we were told that we wont be taxed as much as those making $250,000.00 or more. What they didn't tell you is that if you make 33,000.00 a year you are going to be in the same tax bracket as those make $250,000.00 and more in Kansas.
- Federal Income Tax. Look for yourself and do the math
- Social Security Tax
- Medicare Tax
- Utility Bill Taxes. Take a look and add them up. The government hopes you are not paying attention. You probably aren't.
- Cable bill tax
- Water bill tax
- Tax on the gas to heat your house
- Telephone or Cell phone tax
- 911 Tax
- Gasoline Tax
- User fees, fishing license, hunting license, Deer permit, Turkey permit, Duck stamp, etc.
- Camping fee's
- Hospitality tax. Check it out the next time you stay in a hotel on top of sales tax
- Annual taxes for the tags on your car
- Health Insurance
- Rent
- Gasoline
- Food
- Car payment
- Diapers
- Baby food
- Birthday parties
- Christmas Gifts
- Vacation
- Broken Air Conditioner
- And on and on and on
- Kids College Tuition
- Retirement
How do you want it? The government can take only as much as you are willing to let them. But the bigger government gets the more powerful the government becomes over your life. Why you ask, because they have all of your money! How secure do you feel when your broke?
Do you really believe that all of your tax dollars are going to a good cause? Is this what your common sense is telling you?
I for one think we are at a crossroads. We are very close to the point where there is nothing left after our hard work. We have given so much of it to the government and the remainder to pay our necessities at which point we simply don't have anything left. This now puts us at the mercy of our government. We listed several areas of taxation. Does knowing the government took all of this money from you make you feel safer?
Are you willing to pay more taxes or have you paid enough? I for one cannot think of one more thing the government needs to pay for that in any way will benefit the middle class in the United States. If you agree than you better speak up. Have you ever called your congressman to tell him or her when you see a lack of common sense? Men and women, if you don't start getting involved in your government, that government is going to continue taxing you and therefore controlling more and more of your life. If you don't exercise your God given right to speak up and remind your elected government officials that you are seeing a serious lack of common sense in the size and growth of government we are going to be at a point where your government won't care what you have to say.