This was one of many messages on display at the Tea Party gathering at the Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas. I like a few thousand other Kansas Faithful attended the Tea Party in Overland Park. What a great feeling to be around so many Kansans seeking and demanding common sense to taxation in Kansas and the rest of our nation. I was blown away by the number of young people there. I mean the 14 to 30 crowd. It seems clear that many at this rally were motivated by the lack of common sense coming from Washington DC since the beginning of our new presidents administration. I for one don't dump our lack of awareness and sudden awakening on President Obama. As a conservative I will be the first to tell you that common sense doesn't rest only in the red states and on just one side of the isle in the halls of congress. States and the federal governments are making decisions at the expense of the taxpayers. Because we are not paying attention the common sense is lacking. But when government stupidity rises to a level that you get smacked in the face with it, it can gets ones attention. The tea parties are simply the first acknowledgment by the middle class to our government that our representatives are out of touch with not only common sense but reality. Let just name a few items that simply defy common sense.

1. Unemployment is at a record high in most all states but congress has done nothing to stop the flow of illegal aliens from entering our country and competing for our jobs.
2. Your elected representatives and senators in Topeka continues to support in state tuition for illegal immigrants while high school students from Missouri and Oklahoma for example who wish to attend KU or KSU must pay out of state tuition.
3. The Obama administration wants to increase spending (your tax dollars) at a rate never seen in our nation and during a time when our economy is in shambles. But your suppose to believe that if you make less than $250.000.00 dollars a year you won't be taxed.
4. The Congress of the United States of America are taking over banks and businesses that have failed because of lousy business practices. The same congress is taxing the middle class for billions upon billions of dollars to keep these businesses afloat. Your congressman hasn't read 0ne page of their own legislation yet they want you to believe that our government can run a business better than the free market. Granted huge mistakes and complete fraud and greed has been a problem in big business but the real fraud is our own government. Has any congressman or senator lost their job for government stupidity, greed, or corruption? NO
5. The American middle class was cleaned out of nearly 1/2 of their wealth because of laws passed by our congress that allows banks to loan to people who have no ability to pay the loans back. No credit check needed, no down payment required, nothing. You have been robbed of 1/2 of your retirement after the banks and businesses your hard earned money was invested in collapsed because of these business practices mandated by our government and now you are required to pay billions more in taxes to bail out these businesses, state and local governments and individuals who cannot manage their own money. Where is the common sense?
If there is any doubt that your government has lost it's mind it came in an announcement this past week that the Department of Homeland Defense and the Obama Administrations determination that those who protest taxes, those who support pro life and the rights of the unborn, returning soldiers from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are all a right wing threat to the security of the United States. Men and women, young adults remember why you you were at that tea party. Give honor and glory to those middle class colonists of 1773. http://www.bostonteapartyship.com/history.asp These brave colonists had all they could take of British taxes being imposed on them and they resisted. They confronted the much more powerful British Government and they said enough is enough. You know the rest of the story because WE won. Take up your signs, lift up your voice of liberty and lift up your darn cell phone and call your congressman and tell each of them that enough is enough. If those fools want to label you and me as a threat to this nation you let them know that the only thing they have to fear is their re-election. Remember your heritage.Please click on and view these links for yourself. See what hollywood and Washington DC think of you now. Ask yourselves, where is the common sense?http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2009/04/16/garofalo-tea-partiers-are-all-racists-who-hate-black-presidenthttp://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/04/19/axelrod-suggests-tea-party-movement-is-unhealthy/http://www.pajamasmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2009/04/14/tea-party-derangement-syndrome-its-here/http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/apr/14/federal-agency-warns-of-radicals-on-right/