Weather in Kansas is always a conversation. Report have it that a storm is brewing and we are in for one of those early spring time snow storms. We hear so much about bad weather global warming and other natural disasters. Everybody has an story. A few of my childhood memories go back to that Kansas spring time weather. I recall once when I was seven or so, snow on Easter. I recall going to my grandmothers house. It was after church in my home town of of Iola, Kansas. Interestingly I only lived there until I was 11 but to this day Iola brings back good memories of a town that didn't seem so small at age seven. Anyway we hunted Easter eggs in my grandmother yard, tiptoeing through a couple inches of snow. I don't recall there ever being snow on Easter again. I think Kansans need to be careful and not be easily swayed to believe that each time there is a particular weather event in Kansas it is caused by global warming and mans impact to planet earth. I have been in Kansas a good many years now. I have fished the ponds, walked in the fields played in the parks and breathed the air. With all of the pressure from population and economic demands the impact to the Kansas environment is a tribute to Kansans having the wisdom to manage our past, current and future needs and maintain our conservationist heritage.
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