Incomes for the middle class dropped 3.4%. Home foreclosures are at a all time high in the United states. States and and municipalities are going broke across the United States. Kansas has a $400 million dollar deficit with just 2 months remaining to pay that bill. A budget deficit occurs when government spends more money than it takes in. The opposite of a budget deficit is a budget surplus. States across the nation can no longer fund their entitlement spending and they are attacking the middle class in an attempt to keep the funding alive. We are at a cross roads and the middle class is like a sub compact car in the intersection and the semi truck is about to run us over.
Americans are getting wise to increases in the obvious taxes such as income taxes, property taxes and sales tax. So legislatures across the nation are focus on other forms of taxes such as tanning bed taxes and those criminal smokers and tobacco users. It's estimated that 18% of Kansans are using Tobacco products. Not much money to raise from that group. There is the alcohol users. But it is becoming a joke how often government turns to this source of income by raising taxes on a can of beer or a bottle of Gin. This source of taxation is about tapped out as well. You name it and our county, city, state and federal governments are planning ways to strip you from your hard earned money to pay for government entitlements. Entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits because of rights or by agreement through law. It also refers, in a more casual sense, to someone's belief that one is deserving of some particular reward or benefit.[1] It is often used pejoratively in common parlance (e.g. a "sense of entitlement").
The real question here is who will pay these taxes? Common sense makes this crystal clear. You the Middle Class American are going to pay both the traditional taxes but also the new and creative taxes such as a trip to the tanning bed. Lets do the math here. We have 5-10% of Americans who are so rich that even the discussion of taxes is comical. But this group pays at least 40% of all federal income tax.
Now there is the "poor and underclass". This group makes up about 47% of the population in the United States who don't pay any federal income tax. This group use the most services but does not pay any federal income tax. I don't suggest we not help the poor and underclass but lets do the math. This group is growing and the middle class is paying their share of taxes.
So where does that put you and me. If the rich pay 40% of all federal income taxes and the poor don't pay any.....than that leave the middle class. You and me are paying 60% of all taxes in the United States. It isn't as easy as that but with that said it is clear where the government see's the middle class. The middle class is the final source of money to pay all those entitlements for the 47% of American society who isn't paying any federal income tax. This cannot continue or very quickly the underclass will become the standard and the middle class will be something we dream about but far fewer will be able to get there. Think about it; we are considering taxing the amount of sugar in a can of coke. Why not sugar in a candy bar or sugar in ice cream or sugar in a sweet role. Why not tax products with salt. If sugar is bad and we tax it why not products with salt. Think of all those new taxes that the middle class will pay. There will be no end to your congressman and senators taxing creativity. But in reality who will pay for most of these taxes? The middle class and that means you. It is time to wake up you Middle Class American. You need to wake up and and take a stand. But it takes time and a willingness to not be intimidated. Don't be afraid to speak out. Let them call you racist, and haters and what ever else they will say to shut you up. I know you and you know me. We are not racists and haters. You must take a stand because the 47% who don't contribute is growing and you are paying their bills. How much longer will you wait before you become a part of the permanent underclass in America?
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