Monday, March 22, 2010

Congressman, whats your email address

It's time to get back in touch with your congressman and senator. To effectively communicate with either you need two things. Their email address and phone number. Lets face it, for the most part the days of putting your pen to paper and writing them a letter is pretty much over. Since my trust level of congress is at an all time low, I know one thing for sure. My email may not always get their attention but it does get to them. You mail a letter and who knows. My project this week is to go to the Kansas State official website and begin the process of copying the entire house of representatives and the senate names, emails and profiles to my computer contacts. This allows me easy access to who they are, what party they are with and the committees they sit on. This takes time but this allows me to better express my concerns to my congressman and senator when I hear about some of the legislation being proposed. If it lacks common sense they are going to hear about it. By having these emails available I can also forward them to others.

One of the big reasons the middle class American doesn't get involved in government is because they have been told for years that the issues are to complex. So some including myself pretty much checked out of the debate. The republican and democrat parties both are guilty of promoting this notion. This needs to change now! I just know that it doesn't take an masters degree, a law degree, or a Harvard degree to be a congressman or senator in Topeka or Washington. This is evident by the current bunch in congress. What it does take is common sense. A farmer, teacher, X-ray technologist, lab tech, a mother or father of four, an engineer, car mechanic, a floor clerk at Sears or whoever can be a senator or a representative. It just takes common sense and a love for our country, it values and a sincere belief in limited government established by our founding fathers. How can a car mechanic making $35,0000.00 a year ever stack up against a good lawyer or millionaire. They will be made a fool of in any campaign. I completely disagree. I say that common sense trumps stupidity every time. The harder we work toward a congress that represents middle class common sense America the more common sense we will see in all aspects of our government. A middle class people living in a society of limited government and a free market will be happier and more productive in all aspects of their lives and work. Banking, business, regulations, foreign relations, military strategy, heathcare, you name it will all function better when middle class America is a large part of the discussion and limited government is the goal. Don't sale yourself short. Speak your mind. Clearly government is necessary but government should also be the last resort to societies problems. Your silence is costing you your freedom. The silence is deafening and because you are silent you have stopped demanding common sense. Wake up.

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